By looking through an imaginative lens, the allure of unaesthetic images can be freed to create an alternative vision. The different perspective unlocks the unseen beauty of these eagles.
The silhouettes of three eagles in front of an artistic orange evening sky. Two eagles are perched in thetree while the third soars above the others. The lone tree silhouette stands out above the prairie grasses.
Red sky at night, eagles’ delight.
A silhouette of an eagle perched on a leafless tree. The raptor is positioned in front of a burning orange sky and a huge bright red setting sun in the background. The rees of the first outline the glowing sky.
Final evening call at sunset.
The silhouette of an eagle perched on a tree branch. The branch and raptor are positioned above the water. The bird’s silhouette along with the sun and clouds create a blurred reflection in the water below.